RIYADH, Broadcasting News Corporation : The MS Dossary Game On tournament, held for the first time in Saudi Arabia, wrapped up on Friday with top place going to the Beasts team. The tournament, which drew a large number of gaming enthusiasts, particularly FIFA fans from throughout the Kingdom, also saw the Ms7 students team finish in second place, and the F16 Esports team in third. Saudi international e-football gaming star and 2018 FIFA eWorld Cup champion Musaed Al-Dossary (Msdossary) joined a large audience for the final of the eight-team competition. Al-Dossary engaged with fans by taking part in activities on the sidelines, in addition to electronic games set up to entertain the audience. The Red Bull Mobile Store had hosted the qualifiers in two stages: in Alkhobar on Aug. 25 to 26, and in Riyadh on Aug. 30 to 31. The national final was then held in Riyadh on Sept. 16. Thirty-two teams competed in each of the qualifiers, with the best four from each progressing to the national final. NEWS COLLECTED FROM ARAB NEWS.
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