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Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami presented the state reform proposal

On Wednesday (09 October 2024 AD) at 12 o’clock at a hotel in the capital, Jamaat-e-Islami Ameer Dr. Shafiqur Rahman presented the “State Reform Proposal” on behalf of Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami.
At the beginning of the program, Dr. Shafiqur Rahman highlighted the harassment, oppression, disappearances and murders during the previous government. Those who have been removed in the past. Very few people managed to return from there. This nation does not know what happened to the rest. Their relatives do not know. We are equally saddened with them. The black chapter of maladministration was removed by Allah with His mercy and help on August 5. For this, he once again thanked Almighty Allah. He also said that in the end, this movement has reached its final result in the hands of our young women, boys and girls.
I once again convey my love and respect to them for taking this movement to its final conclusion. At this time, he said, we will present to you the idea of ​​what we think is the fundamental need for reforms. Syed Abdullah called on Md. Taher to present reform ideas. Meanwhile, Amir Jamaat Dr. Shafiqur Rahman on behalf of Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami Naib former MP Dr. Syed Abdullah Md. Taher presented reform ideas. In order to make elections free and fair, there is a need for extensive reforms in election related institutions. Elections cannot be conducted without reforms.

Legal Reforms:
A fair and specific policy should be formulated for the appointment of judges to the High Courts. Dual rule should be removed from the Judiciary.

Effective measures should be taken to separate the Judiciary from the Executive.
A separate secretariat should be established under the Supreme Court, separate from the Ministry of Law.
In the interest of ensuring justice, necessary amendments to the existing laws and legislation consistent with the values ​​of consultation should be enacted.
Cyber ​​Security Act 2023 and Kalakanun Act should be repealed.
High Court benches should be established at the divisional level to reduce the length of trial.
Separate judicial commissions should be constituted to ensure proper independence of the lower courts.
An independent investigation committee should be formed to investigate all criminal cases.
There should be provision for disposal of cases within maximum 5 years for civil cases and maximum 5 years for criminal cases.

Parliamentary Reforms:
Arrangements should be made to nominate a Deputy Speaker from the main opposition party of the Parliament.
The parliamentary opposition leader will be institutionalized to form a shadow cabinet.
Adequate time should be given to members of the parliamentary opposition.

Election System:
Professional Representative System PR should be introduced in National Parliament Elections.
Caretaker system of government should be permanently inserted in the constitution to ensure fair and transparent elections.
EVM voting system should be abolished.
No Government servant can be any kind of election candidate within 3 years of leaving their service.
Arrangements should be made to conduct local government elections in a non-partisan manner.
To ensure participatory elections, the tainted political party registration system of 2008, which is in conflict with the constitution, must be abolished.
Arrangements should be made to hold the National Assembly elections on more than one day.
National ID management should be brought under Election Commission.

Law and Order Reforms:
Reforms of Police Force:
In 1861 the British government used the Police Act to change and formulate a policing guideline for the police.
Independent police commission should be constituted for appointment, transfer, promotion and employment of policemen.
No political or non-political person can be recommended for appointment, transfer, promotion and dismissal.
Police training memorandum should include religious education and moral discipline.
The use of firearms in the police should be curtailed.
During the remand interrogation, the presence of counsel for the accused and the presence of their guardian during the interrogation of the female accused must be ensured.
There should be provision for constitution of police tribunals by judicial members.
Police duty and other facilities should be ensured.
Police must be modernized through change, expansion and modernization.

RAB Reforms:
The necessary reforms must be completed to restore public confidence in the RAB and other specialized forces.
Those who have been working in RAB for the last 15 and a half years should be brought back to their respective forces and they cannot be re-appointed to RAB.
All extrajudicial killings must be stopped.
The overall functioning of the RAB should be reviewed.
Policies must be formulated and followed.

Public Administration Reforms:
Merit, competence and integrity should prevail over lobby recommendations and party loyalty in manpower recruitment and transfer.
Any job recruitment should be completed within reasonable time from notification to recruitment without delay.
Application for government jobs is free. There will be no fee system for applying for government jobs.
Application for government jobs should be 35 years for the next 2 years and 33 years for the next year and retirement age should be fixed at 62 years.
Age-limit discrimination in all aspects of job application must be ended.
Special measures can be taken to prevent corruption in all government departments. Necessary monitoring cells can be arranged so that no one gets a chance to commit corruption.
Gender discrimination in employment should be eliminated.
During the tenure of the previous government, those who got jobs due to question paper leak and corruption, fraud and party consideration should be canceled.

Anti-corruption commission should appoint competent and competent people.
Accountability must be ensured in all sectors of the state.
Anti-corruption commission must ensure strong impartiality and independence to act.
During the tenure of the previous government, steps should be taken to make appropriate provisions to bring back money laundered from the country and to implement it.
Ministry-based anti-corruption commission should be made.
The anti-corruption commission should increase the scope and manpower of the law reform.

Constitutional Reforms:
Provisions for maintaining the balance of power between the President and the Prime Minister should be coordinated.
The same person cannot be prime minister for more than two consecutive terms.

Educational and Cultural Reforms:
Education reform is questionable in the light of existing problems.
Classes VI to 10 should be maintained as secondary and classes 11 and 12 as higher secondary.
8th class public examination should be abolished and the previous examination system should be brought back.
Religious values ​​should be introduced in the textbooks of all classes.
Textbooks should emphasize objective history on the 2024 mass uprising.
All categories should contain biographies of great people including the biographies of the Prophet (PBUH).
Independent Ibtedayi Madrasahs should be established and existing independent Ibtedayi Madrasahs should be nationalized.
At least one Qoumi Madrasa in every district should be nationalized.
Technical and vocational education should be mainstreamed in general education.
A permanent Education Commission should be constituted in the Department of Higher Education.
The education reform commission formed for the purpose of education reform should ensure all sections including general Aliya and Qaumi representation.

Cultural reform proposals:
Films should be made in the light of national historical movement and struggle.
National historical days should be observed under state patronage.
Various entertainment programs including dramas and movies should be made obscenity-free.
Provisions should be made to prevent harassment of different religions, especially Islam, in dramas, movies and other content.
Native culture and tradition should be given priority rather than creating animalistic sculptures.
Educational campaign should be ensured through all means.

Foreign Affairs Reforms:
Reciprocity should be maintained on the basis of equality and fairness with all democratic countries
China should initiate and resolve international river water sharing agreement between Nepal and Bangladesh under UN mediation.
Trade relations with ASEAN countries should be increased.
All agreements of relations with other states during the tenure of the previous government should be examined by a recognized commission.
Bangladesh should take the initiative to join ASEAN.
Initiatives should be taken to rebuild a strong SAARC.
If there is an agreement or memorandum of understanding with any country, all those agreements and memorandum of understanding should be brought up in the next parliament session and approved after detailed discussion.

Reform proposal on Ministry of Religion:
Islamic Foundation Bangladesh should be developed as an institution for the welfare of the state. The Imam Training Academy should be converted into an organization or department. So that they can work independently.
A separate department should be established for Hajj management. Effective initiatives should be taken to reduce the cost of Hajj and Umrah.
A research institute should be established in the Islamic Foundation. All controversial books should be canceled and publication stopped.
The identity and rights of all religions must be guaranteed.
After the press-briefing, Ameer Jamaat Dr. Shafiqur Rahman answered various questions of the journalists.

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