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Bangladesh Air Force Flight Safety Officers Course Certificate Distribution

The certificate distribution ceremony of the 72nd Flight Safety Officers Course of Bangladesh Air Force was held on Thursday (October 17, 2024) at the Flight Safety Institute.

Assistant Chief of Air Force (Planning) Air Vice Marshal Md Sharif Uddin Sarkar, OSP, GUP, BPP, NDC, PSC attended as the chief guest and distributed certificates and trophies among the trained officers.

A total of 19 trainee officers including Bangladesh Air Force, Bangladesh Army, Bangladesh Navy and Royal Malaysian Air Force officers participated in the course.

The Chief Guest distributed certificates to all the officers who completed the training and presented the ‘Chief of Air Force Trophy’ and certificate to Flight Lt. Hasin Tanveer, GD(P) for best performance in the course. The chief guest congratulated the participating trainees for successfully completing the training and urged them to discharge their duties with professionalism.

Senior officials of Bangladesh Air Force and invited guests of Bangladesh Army and Bangladesh Navy were present in the event.

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